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At 5 am on February 24, Russia vilely attacked peaceful Ukraine Russia are bombing the cities of Ukraine and killing her people. Defenders of Ukraine GIVE a courageous and worthy rebuff in an unequal battle with the aggressor.
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I am very creative and I like doing something all the time, as laziness is the worst thing for me. It makes this world dark! I like dancing and reading classical books, listening to soft music and singing while doing the house work. ...
I am looking for serious man for serious relationship. I do not look for the ideal prince. I am searching for the real man with his own desires, dreams, ambitions, and emotions. My beloved has to be a real sincere friend, a passionate partner and a tender father for the kids. As for me I like devotedness, wittiness, kindness, friendliness in people. The qualities I appreciate most of all in man�s character are kindness, sincerity, honesty, support, benevolence and respect. Trust and mutual understanding are also very important ones for creation of a happy family. And in order to get something, a person should be ready to give and I am ready to do my best.
I relax. The way of my relaxation depends on my mood. It ranges from reading some light literature to dancing inflammatory salsa. ...
The one destined me. He shouldn�t be ideal. I don�t believe in an ideal. He should be real and ingenuous. If he doesn�t pretend anything, I will be with him. make my future family happy and conciliated.
I like sport and dancing, I go to the dancing class to keep fit. I enjoy movies and going to the cinema. My favorite genre is comedy.I like nature and cooking! ...
He must be optimistic, positive, kind, responsible, reliable, suppose to have a sense of humor. I am looking for man with who I will feel easy and comfortable.
I try to spare my free time to my family first of all. I also like to meet with friends. I like to develop myself. I adore dancing. ...
My ideal man is loving, loyal and honest. I am not looking for a prince, I want real reliable man.
Recently I discovered a new kind of sports for myself – swimming. I go to the swimming poll three times a week and it brings me great pleasure. I love flowers and window plants. At home I have a small collections of window plants. I am fond of fancy work, and I like to knit and embroider. I knit sweaters for myself, and embroider different pictures. I like to read and travel. I like to learn the history of places of sightseeing. I also love to go to the theater and have a walk in the rain :). ...
I want to meet a man without bad habits and with a good sense of humor, sociable and kindhearted, well-educated and cultured, and it would be a plus if he believes in God. He is easy-going, optimistic and hard-working. I want to find a lover, a friend and husband in ONE!
Most of my free time I spend with my son. I also like horse riding. In the childhood I professionally participated in gymnastics and dancing. Now I like belly dancing. I also like to shoot, and going to the shooting range is one of my favorite pastimes. I have a constant drive to improve and perfect, and my dream is to try many activities, like, for instance, parachuting! ...
I dream to find a brave and intelligent man, with a good sense of humor, and a kind heart. I hope he will be caring and tender with me, and also will give me confidence in the future, and protection in life. I am very much interested in a man from abroad because I know he can be a true romantic, and he knows how to treat a woman, and what it means to be a gentleman, he takes responsibilities and keeps promises. I hope I will meet YOU here!
I adore to spend my leisure time with my kids.:)I am a busy lady, so my working schedule of assistant of a lawyer allows me to be absolutely free only on Sunday. So, I like to go out or have a walk together with my children. We prefer to rest in nature rather than to sit at home. When I am out in nature I enjoy barbecue outdoors. I also like to treat my children with my specialties. :)Traveling is another passion of me. I visited several European countries, and I was pleasantly impressed by their culture and lifestyle. :) ...
My man should be decent and clever. Besides that he should love children.
I like to attend gym and do my best to keep my fit. :)Besides this, I also adore to swim, so I visit swimming-pool several times a week. :)I read a lot, mostly novels and detective stories. I like bowling very much. Well, my friends and I often go to bowling club when we gather together. Maybe, it may seem strange, but driving a car makes me feel calm. Sometimes when I want to rest of everything I simply drive my car and go to the countryside. I am a music fan but there are no preferences for me in music. I like to listen to different styles of music, it depends on my mood. :) Also I am fond of cinema: I often go to premiere of comedies or dramas. :) ...
I want to meet a man with a good sense of humor and taste. He must be decent, clever, gentle, generous and responsible. And certainly, he should stay a real man, strong and reliable.
I like to feel active, and spend my free time out in nature. I have a country house where I often go, I do gardening there, I enjoy planting trees. I am also fond of traveling and on weekend I like to take a tour to some Ukrainian city in search for new impressions :). I am fond of art galleries and museums, various exhibitions and theater performances. I also like to keep fit and I do sport activities. ...
I would like to meet a responsible, sincere, kindhearted man, with a sense of humor, with good manners. I do not care about his age or appearance, I look for a lonely heart to create a solid family together!
I am a lady of varied attainments! :) When I have free time most of all I like reading and meeting with my best friends. I am fond of traveling too. :)I have been to Lithuania, and I was impressed by its architecture and European culture. :) My dream is to visit Australia and Canada. I enjoy to watch thrillers and to listen to different styles of music. :)I also dream about a parachute jump and I want to try surfing once in my life. )))Well, I like to improve myself and discover something new in life as life is adorable! ;) ...
I want to meet a man with athletic body type and a good sense of humor. :)He shoudn't have a bad habit of drinking too much alcohol. He also should have a constant work. Of course, I would like to meet Orthodox man. But the main is we fall in love with each other. :)
I have lots of interests and hobbies. :) When I am free I like to dedicate my time to reading book. I enjoy to spend my leisure time with my friends, go to the cinema or theatre. It depends on my mood and my free time. :)On weekend I prefer to relax and listen to my favourite music (Blues or rock music). I like to watch melodramas or musicals. My favourite actor is Richard Gere. What about reading, I prefer detective stories. Well, I like gardening too. :) ...
I would like to meet a man who is attentive, careful, with a good sense of humor, independent and generous. He should be a professional in his field, and be able to value a real woman, take care of her and support any of her initiatives.
I adore to spend my leisure time in the way which is the most harmonious for me. :)Frankly speaking, I am a very homely person. In spite of this fact I enjoy the time dedicated to my friends. :) We like to go out and prefer to spend our time together on nature having picnics or just breathing in fresh air. As an artist by my specialty I love to paint pictures. When I am at home I can paint for myself. It can be nature or landscapes. Painting makes me feel relaxed and happy, peaceful and calm. ;) ...
I know that my man should be special for me. On the one hand, he should be reliable, serious, honest, and on the other hand, he must have a good sense of humor as it often helps in any life situation. :)And in general, my man should be a lovely man.
I prefer to spend my free time walking on the streets or in the park, just relax and have rest. :) I enjoy to watch my favourite TV-programs and series. I like cooking very much and I am especially good in cooking meals of Ukrainian cuisine. :) I enjoy reading too. I prefer to read novels. I like to travel too. I was impressed by the first country I had visited. It was Norway! :)I dream to visit other foreign countires too. ...
My man is a man who leads a healthy lifestyle. He should be decent, careful and honest to be the man of my life. I would give all my love to that man and appreciate God for each day that I can spend with Him. :)
I am a very open-hearted, addictive and communicative personality. I am a very religious person and I go to the church every Sunday. I enjoy to spend my leisure time outdoor. I like to listen to my favourtite music including rock, pop and classic. I adore to cook tasty meals for my dearest people as one of my specialties is Confectioner. And of course, it's a great pleasure for me to gather my family friends together and treat them with the tastiest meals. Also I like floristics, drawing, sewing, going to the cinema and rarely in clubs. I like reading interesting books especially historical novels. My favourite novel is �Casanova� by A.Duma. Well, it brings me great pleasure to share my positive emotions with my close people and all who surround me. :) ...
I am Catholic and my religion takes an important place in my life. That's why I want my man to be Catholic too. I also would like my man to be decent, honest, well-bred, intelligent, smart, serious, independent, lovely and caring. It is not a must, but would be great if my man wants to have kids in future.
I am very creative personality and have wide range of interests. Well, first of all I am fond of gathering herbs. I find this occupation very interesting and useful for health. Enjoy knitiing very much, it makes me feel calm and relaxed. In winter when I have free time I prefer skating and skiing. I like to keep myself in top form that's why I regularly go to the gym and fitness classes. It makes me feel young and attractive. I enjoy to spend my time with the dearest people.As for me, I think I am addictive personality, and I enjoy to try something new and exciting!;) ...
I dream to meet sincere, decent and honest man. To my mind, the main quality of man for me is sincerity. I also would like my man to be loyal and kind. If I met that man I would be the happiest woman! :) It doesn't matter for me what country my man will be from. The main is our relations and a mutual love.
I am adventurous and energetic. That's why I enjoy travellings! I have been to many countries such as Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Israel. These trips impressed me very much. I want to visit France too. But my dream is to travel around the world and to see as many countries as possible. I also like dancing. It makes me feel happy and delightful! I am fond of reading interesting literature. As a professional cosmetician I like to read the literature on my speciality. I think, improving oneself is the best way to achieve success whatever you do in life. Of course, I realize that the woman of my age should necessary keep herself in fit. As for me, I like to have plenty of exercise and that's why I stay in tiptop condition. It is as vital as breathing for me. I prefer to keep my sporty shape being engaged in a gym. After trainings I feel myself like 25 again! Well, I try to enjoy my leisure time spending it the most interesting way. ...
I would like to meet a self-sufficient, kind, clever man, who is able to earn and provide his family, a bit spontaneous, with a good sense of humour. This man can find the way out in any situation, and support his lady anytime.
I am a very active person and try to spend my free time with my friends, with my daughter, with my close people. I enjoy communication but sometimes just need have a rest, to hide from the reality. In such moments I read books or practise yoga. I try to keep myself in a good shape that is why I go to the gym or practise fitness when I have some free hours. ...
I don't know how to answer this question. I have never thought about it. Speaking about his appearance, It isn't important for me as under a handsome face can be hidden an awful personality. Sure, I want him to love, to respect, to support me... Sure, I will do the same in return. I want him to feel me, my mood, my thoughts, listen to me and to hear what I am talking about. Maybe I ask too much but when two people love each other, they understand everything without words, a single look is enough to express emotions. Love is such a feeling which knows no borders.
I can describe myself as a many-sided person, I have many different interests and hobbies, I enjoy swimming and I regularly go to the swimming-pool. I spend much time with my younger daughter and together we go to the ice-skating rink which is fun for both of us :). Reading romantic books and fantasy and watching movies about love are things that I like to do when I am home. Every day I cook and I really like it. ...
I want to meet a man who will help me to create a solid and healthy family! I will feel comfortable in a company of an intelligent man, he does not drink much alcohol, and never loses control, he has stable views on life, and likes to rest, easy-going and not boring :).
I am fond of sport and I like many sport activities like basketball, beach volleyball. I like to cook tasty food, something healthy, with vegetables. But I also cook Ukrainian borsch, chicken, baked fish under lemon. I love nature, and I go out with my friends to have barbeque in at every possibility. We often organize fishing and then cook a fish soup on fire. I also like dining out. But I know time spent with a nice man will be one hundred times pleasant! ...
I want to meet a kind and clever man, with a sense of humor. Humor makes our life longer, and a good witty joke can enliven every conversation, and make everyone smile more! I also dream that my man will have a kind heart, and he will treat me with tenderness and be faithful to me.
I am a hairdresser and have practically no free time. My work is my favourite hobby as well. I like to experiment with haircuts and colors. My friends always come to me and afterwards they are very happy with my work. I am fond of big tennis. In summertime I go to play it to the local park almost every day! I really like this sport. I plan to take up horse-riding in the future. From all books my favourite are criminal chronicles as it is directly connected with my future profession. I am a part-time student at the Department of Law in Police Academy. ...
I have no stereotypes of my future husband, I do not know if he will be blond or dark. First of all I want to meet a MAN from the capital letter, it is a very rare thing nowadays. It will be good if he likes animals, and shares my interests and views on life. But I will be happy to learn something new from him too! I do not know my future, but I am ready to change my life.
I like to walk with my child, read novels and everything connected with my work like different finance. I adore to watch movies, especially comedies and dramas. I also study at home that is I am busy with self-education! ...
I am looking for a man with a sense of humour. He should be kind, jolly, the one who loves and respects his children and his wife. He should combine the qualities of a husband and a friend in himself. The one who is not afraid of the responsibility.
I lack free time very much, because I work and study nowadays, but once I get a free �minute�, I love to visit our local theatre or exhibition in one of the museums. If my friends and I arrange the meeting, we might go out of town, to the nature, sometimes fishing, sometimes just play active games outdoors. I love to read and my favorite type is philosophical literature (Coelho, Russo, Didro). I certainly love to watch movies and my two most favorite editors are Q. Tarantino and N. Mikhalkov. Most of my free time I sure spend with my son Ruslan, we study together, read adventure literature, discuss it afterwards. Each year my son and I go to the south of Ukraine, to the seaside, where we have fun and rest:) ...
Man of my dreams is communicative, kind and with a sense of humor. I don�t like selfish and greedy people. I respect good manners, self-confidence and politeness, especially to elder people. He likes kids and animals. He is an individual. He can take care after himself. He doesn�t stop when he riches a goal, he puts a new one and goes for it!
In summer I love to swim and roller skate. In winter my outdoors activities are skiing and skating. I love to go out of town with friends to make BBQ and we usually play volleyball or soccer for fun. I am very fond of cinema in general and I enjoy going to movie theater to watch a new premier. It is also great to have a nice chat, a conversation with my friends with a cup of coffee or tea with a piece of cake in a quiet café:) ...
I am looking for a tall man, approximately my height and higher, preferably dark-haired(not a must be), good-looking:) He should be intelligent, educated, muscular and thoughtful, polite. I think that he should be fond of some kind of sports, and even better he could also know how to play some musical instrument! I like animals, in particular: pets. So, he should also be nice to them(I mean dogs or cats and so on) Certainly he shouldn’t be boring and know how to have fun:)
I like communication and that’s why I try to spend most time socializing with my friends. I adore nature, evening walks round the city. I also have time for my lovely cat, I like animals a lot. I spend enough time on myself and on household chores. ...
Communicative, understanding, well-mannered, with a sense of humor, kind and loving in the attitude towards children, serious towards family and work.
I like listening to the music, reading, I love spending time on nature! Some people like sitting in their houses, being warm and cozy under the roof, but I am not like that! I think there is nothing better than a picnic outdoors! ...
I would like to meet an honest man, who loves sports and traveling, sea and nature. A man of my dream is educated, loyal and sincere. I am sure that my future husband has to be clever, reliable, generous and strong. I like to share my feelings and my secrets. I think that it is very important in the relationship between two persons to feel the pain and to make each other happy, to be together in good and hard times. I cannot live alone, I want to feel happy in strong man's hands. I will be the best mistress and wife in the world. I hope, my dreams will come true one day.
sport: swimming, football, track and field athletics ...
Sporty, kind, clever, who loves travelling and extrim sport
Despite I am a little tiny girl, I can not imagine my life without sport � I run every evening in the park, I take part in cycle racings and several years go for belly dances. My future profession is journalist � that�s why I�m knowledgeable about last events in the world in political and social life. I write little stories and articles and publish them in newspapers. I enjoy myself with photographing, watching football matches and favorite films, I read a lot, but do not think from this description that I�m pain in the neck, that is not truth.:) ...
I still believe in knights.:) Of course in quotes.:) He can have nothing in his wallet, but to be rich in his soul, he should know how is it - to be a human. He should be able to trust and to forgive, to be honest and kind. To laugh and crick jokes, but the main � to be himself.
I like listening to music and watching movies. I often go to disco because I adore dancing. I like traveling and sea. Resting on the shore or somewehre in mountains is the best for me! ...
He should have eyes to sink in, smile to forget not, hands to long for.:) Seriously, I need just frank and open person who can be my friend, lover, adviser and for whom I can give all my world!:)
I am person who loves life. I am elegant and have good designer abilities. It is my hobby because I like experimenting. And my life is full of things that I am not afraid to try! :) ...
I don't have a man who will like my lifestyle and be ready to do unusual things with me. So I am looking for a person who will share my interests and be reliable, loving and caring. I decided to try here.
I am active and optimistic. Enjoy life and value precious moments of it! - it is my motto. I like honesty and positive attitude to life in people. I also value good sence of humor and I like smile a lot :) ...
The best qualities that I value in man are honesy, decency and passion. I want to have a lot of attention and give it back too.
I am sensual and tender. I am active and full of life and it means for me that I live! I am creative and intelligent person, someone very pleasant to talk with and to spend time. I have a great feeling of humor, but I know when to laugh and when to be serious. ...
I am seriously interested in searching of a man of my dream. So that we can share our lives, dreams, interests and desires. I will be glad to meet a smart, honest, understanding and tender man. At the same time he must have a character, a man who knows what he wants from life. He must be athletic, attractive and educated. I hope that he will support me in everything. He makes my life a beautiful fairy-tale, where he will be my King and I will be his Queen. I want him to love children, to be loyal, optimistic, independent, self-confident, but in the same time affectionate, loving, tender and caring.
I go in for sport. I like active kinds of the rest. I am a cheerful and reliable woman. I am a very good friend and I know how to keep the secrets. Also I am very tactful. I know what is worthy to tell and when and whom. I am enterprising and active. I like spending my free time with use. Also I am kind and faithful, so I will be a good wife, I suppose. I am responsible and friendly, too. I have tender and warm heart, which will give a lot of care to my beloved man and create coziness in our house. ...
I'm looking for a kind, reliable, tender, caring and strong man, who will show me true love, share mutual interests, and teach me new things. I would like to meet a man , who is brave and faithful, reliable and cheerful, enterprising and kind. I want him to be patient in our relations and decisive.
I come from a decent family, I'm well-educated, cultural and intelligent. I possess an easy-going and jolly personality. I can add that I am a very devoted person. Well, I can say that I am open, kind, supportive, tender, easy-going and sociable. I enjoy romantic moments in life. I am even-tempered and compromising. I try to live in harmony with myself and the world around. I believe that positive emotions are the main in life. ...
As for the man I am searching for I can tell you for sure that I do not have any standards in this question but I want to define some qualities which healthy relationships is based on. I strongly believe that love, trust and respect are essential parts of strong relationships. It is quite difficult to build strong family without these things. I am family oriented girl so my intention is to find man with the same goal.
I can easy describe myself with one word - Optimist. I am cheerful, active, communicative, energetic, open and sincere woman. I like to laugh and have a good sense of humor. I try to treat people like I want that they behave with me. I don't like conflicts and think that it's possible to solve any problem without fights. I like to set goals and achieve. ...
I am not looking for a perfect man, but for a man with the kind heart, who is responsible and mature, who always knows what he wants from his life, who is serious in his intentions to find his true love here on this site. I don't want to waste my time, I know that you are waiting for me and soon we will meet in the real life.
Well, if speaking about myself, I may tell that I am very feminine. All my actions tell that I am a real woman, young, bright, beautiful, intelligent and clever. I am told to be passionate. I adore doing many things, if I start doing something I will lead it to the end. I am also fond of adventures, I am also sure that a woman should have a mystery. I value in people sense of humor and I have it myself. I also pay much attention to my appearance and I am sure that I look well. ...
All I want-just be yourself with me. But it not means that I don't care how you will be behave with me!I need a honest,kind,responsible and wise man,I promise I will give you the same back. So hurry,please-write me soon!
I am an emphatic woman with a big heart full of love and tenderness. I am easy-going and ingenuous believing that simple things in life are often far more enjoyable, especially if they are shared with the special person. I am amiable and feminine, giving the preference to the natural look instead of tones of make-up. Devoted loving woman that longs for reciprocation... ...
I hope very much that one day I will meet my man, a man who will present me the warmth of his soul, his attention and tenderness, his respect, support, his love and passion. I am searching a man, who likes harmony in relations and home coziness.
I am honest, romantic, family-oriented, attentive and successful lady. I am an energetic and optimistic person. I love active way of life and to meet new people, open new places. I'm allways ready to help other people ...
In man I need a combination of adventurous side and sense of humor!Smile I want him to be kind, caring, to love his family!!! To give me his heart, his soul, his love)))) Will you give me your love??
I am the girl who wants to find her real love. And I am sure that I will be in lucky in it? Hope, that I will find my real love very soon. I am looking for a man who won't be playing games with me, who is really serious, who wants to build strong relationships with me, who is missing my love and care. Hope, that you are there and will find me very soon. Just let me know that you are here and write me some lines!I am waiting for YOU! ...
I would like to meet a man, who will become my best friend and will always be on my side. I would love to give him all of my passion and care. Intelligence and nobleness are in my appreciation. I would like to meet a man of all my life, who will be able to present me whole world
I am open, sincere, cheerful and optimistic, I am a big dreamer and very romantic. You will never be bored in my company. I adore walking, being on the open air, swimming and tanning. I like sport and fitness. ...
I would like my man to be caring and generous. We need to understand each other and to take care about our relation. Relation - this is the kind of work. You have to be patient and kind, sincere and passionate
I don't like doing nothing that is why I always try to make myself better, to develop my skills in everything, i like to become a highly moral woman, who knows what she wants and she is ready to get it. ...
I am looking for a man who will love me. I hope he is honest, kind and serious. Also I want my soul mate to be a joyful person, to love the life and to be eager to share its pleasures with me. Also I expect that it will be interesting for us to spend time together.
I'm a sociable, friendly, romantic lady. I treat people as I want them to treat me. I am interested in different cultures and it will be interesting to me to see the world together with my beloved man. I seriously concern our acquaintance, I don't like to waste time ...
I need the man which knows how to show feelings, love, care, and understanding it is very important in relations. As soon as I feel that I can trust him, I will follow him anywhere all over the world.
My friends say I'm really a good friend not only in need but in happiness also. I am a pretty, honest and bright girl. Tender and feminine woman with a heart longing for love....that's my main characteristic . I would like to leave some personal information to our private letters :) ...
The man don't need to be handsome like a model The man must be strong morally, must care about his lady. I will follow him anywhere because it doesn't matter where he lives and how much money he earns
You will ask me why i'm here.. I just can tell you because I want to find you.. I believe in love and happy relations and if my man is living abroad I'll find him here.. I never give up, I am cheerful and have a big smile on my face as I believe that if you smile to life it will smile back to you!)) What do you think about this? ...
It would be good to find a man who will share my points of view and will be the same kind and clever, sincere and cheerful as I am. I am sure that somewhere in the world there is a man who is waiting for me, and I hope that we will not lose our chance to know each other better. May be it is you?
I would like to tell you a few words about myself. I have got such features of character like a kindness, responsibility, generosity, intelligence, patience, loyalty. I am sociable but quite calm by nature. ...
I have a lot of love to share with someone special. I want to love and to be loved by a sincere, caring man who has a great sense of humor. I am a romantic person and a gentleman I am looking for should be also romantic and should know how to treat a lady. I would like to meet a man who wants to be a part of my life as I want to be a part of his life.
I am very positive and open minded person. But I won't tell much how good I am and won't describe all my positive sides of character. I would like to tell it one by one to a person whom I would be interested in. ...
Whom am I looking for here? It's very easy and at the same time complicated question. I want too much perhaps. But I will not be satisfied with less.
I am very positive, cheerful and bright woman, who longs to find her love!!! ...
I would like to find someone who is honest, loving, caring, romantic, understanding, intelligent, determined, honest, faithful, humorous, straightforward man who has a bright vision, focus and foresight. My ideal boyfriend needs to be someone that makes me feel comfortable. He will be an apple of my eye.
Today I woke up with a light touch of the sun in my face. I opened my eyes and smiled. I'm happy to meet a new day of my life with a hot shower and fragrant coffee, which I always cook in the morning. ...
My sweet, kind, caring man. I believe in our meeting and I feel with all my heart that it will happen soon. I often imagine how I stand on the beach. The water touches my feet, and I'm slowly dive into the soft sand. I want to fall, but I feel like your hands gently holding me by the shoulders. You stand behind me and I know you will not let me fall, because you are strong and reliable, tender and gentle. I feel safe and warm with you. I want to hug you and don't let go anywhere. I want that my dreams come true...I'm waiting for it.
I am an active person and like to spend time in unusual way. That's why I have a great amount of hobbies. I adore gardening) ...
Nobody is perfect. I think you know that.. But my man would be ideal man for me is a kind-hearted, cheerful person.